Online Local Business Database.

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All in one place for £39

All the local business records in one place. For a very low monthly rate – the same price for the whole site, not per user.

The online local business database allows the whole dealership to store local business ‘prospect’ details in one place. Accessible anywhere, there is no ‘per user’ fee, you simply pay a very low monthly amount to cover hosting and backups.

The system will store all the extra bits of information only an LBDM needs, includes a diary and an email marketing platform to send full graphic marketing emails to anyone or everyone on the database.

Click here to request some information.

A little more detail –

At that time, everyone we spoke to was stored on an Excel spreadsheet. Hundreds of spreadsheets, nearly all of them slightly out of data, and were you really sure which one you were working on.

So, with no internet we wrote a little Windows based programme to store all the records in one place. That was Cymark CRM.

Then came the digital revolution and the world wide web. Cymark, working with the national local business and corporate team at Sytner, upgraded the little Windows based programme and it now runs on the cloud on encrypted UK based servers.

Why separate from the DMS ?

The company details, saved in the online database, are probably not customers yet. They could include every single company within 30 miles of the showroom that run cars or vans. Do you want to throw them in with your own customer data?

Any marketing that you do to someone that has already bought from you is likely to be different from that sent to cold records or lists. The Cymark system allows you to keep all of the ‘prospect’ records in one place.

All the records, every company you come into contact with, in a separate database. One that you can access from your laptop or smart phone – ANYWHERE – securely.

I’ve got { Kerridge – replace with similar } for this.

True, you will have databases on-site. Kerridge, ADP, Dealerweb, the list could go on. They are all great programmes with excellent features.

But can you assign each company with a marketing persona? A specific marketing profile that you can market to again and again?

Most DMS are not designed for retail customers not local business users, who are looking to build a relationship, possibly long term, before the company buy’s its first car from you. Local business, fleet and corporate sales don’t usually follow the same sales process as retail sales.

75% of dealership local business departments don’t have a specific prospect database. Fleet sales exec’s try to ‘fudge’ the in-house accounts system to store extra data they would like or they try to fit it into a showroom process driven DMS system, which isn’t usually designed to keep individual records ‘live’ indefinitely.

The whole system is designed to be flexible. You can store whatever ‘information’ you need to store.

Do you deal with the National Farmers Union? Would you like to store the records by NFU area?

You can store all the contact details you want, all the emails and individuals associated with that company, all on one record and details of every contact made.

The system even reminds you who you need to speak to today and shows how many are overdue.

But the feature list goes on. Here are just some of them.

Targets for the team, are they adding enough new records, are the speaking to enough companies?

Flexible. No expensive software programmers to hire. Using our ‘flexible tabs’, we tailor the fields you want to use, to store business data in free of charge.

You can select and email all or part of the database using the eSend email platform. Every time you do, the details are written back to the contact history.


But now you really need to look at eSend to see how that compliments the database.

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If you would like some more information – 01423 501234